I have been so busy taking care of all my clients needs that I have not updated this blog forever. Usually in February or March things slow down but this year I have been swamped along with families, business and talent head shots, senior portraits and lots of new students taking my photography classes and workshops. In March I was asked by the Dennis and Pat Nagle owners of Idaho Camera if I would do a photography seminar for Idaho Camera, being a long time friend of Idaho Camera I was honored to accept the invitation. The class was for professional photographers and people considering becoming professional photographers and we had 85 people attend! Usually my classes are much smaller. We covered a lot of great topics and Met a lot of new photographers and had a blast. My associate photographers Chris and Jeff were both there to give their feedback to the crowd. Thanks guys I appreciate your continued support! Big things going on lately with our new model program at www.seemeshinemodels.com . Senior and family portraits have really picked up, call today if you have a family reunion or class reunion photography needs coming up. I will be posting some new images on this blog as well, my assistant Sarah was going to help with this but she and Ryan have been busy getting ready for their first baby, Bailey is due now any day congratulation's to them both! :o) Come see the new studio at 11588 W. Fairview Ave in Boise Idaho! Hope to see you soon, best wishes! Dirk, Jeff, Chris and Sarah.
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