
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Grace and beauty,

Grace was nervous at first claiming she didnt think she photographed well, but she did great as you can see in these awesome images!

1 comment:

J'Maritza said...

Hello ! Thanks for your comment, you know? i don't speak english very well. Because i'm peruvian and i speak spanish jeje. My name is Jackelyn. I have 16 years old, and i'm interesed in photography. I like so much, but the photos that you find in my blog isn't mines. :( ! But i like so much this photos :) are amazing.
Well if you don't bother i wanna talk to you, i give you my messenger is: ; i want to be a photographer :) like you.

Nice to meet you.
Jackelyn Maritza Carrasco C.
Lima - Perú.